Sunday 28 November 2021

Everything Must Converge

Ever wondered,

If I chose this?

If this moment

Ever since birth of time,

This stubborn, immovable

Lump in its continuance

With every tick in the clock -

Has been pulling me,


To set me apart

And then set me free?

Two left turns,

two next rights -

Every sundown

On open streets

Eyes rolling in search

of a dream and hope

Year by year;

Burying the self 

In layers down the ground

And burning the fossil

To fuel the idea;

Being my own hard-hitting hero

For I were to live

A precedent that no one else would.

Everything must converge here.

The beginning of the end.

The design is compassed,

The arrangement done.

The disequilibrium

In animation of reality,

A long realm of nothingness; here,

Purpose has no place.

I realize now-

I've never had any real interest

In anything.

Is this the real life?

Never have I ever,

but I think I just might -

Let life that underwhelms,


Saturday 20 November 2021


A crude moment

Of self-confession,

A fixed star in my sky

With rapid implosions

And a bright flash of lightning -

Collapses and ruptures

From stardust into memories

All at once

Like infinite half-open matchboxes,

Surrounding me in the standstill.

I narrate my story

Trapped, in an unpassing moment-




One memory to the other.

I narrate this story

My yearning and her zeal,

From a little girl’s room

Witnessing the miracle of her life,

In her youthful passion..

I watch her rise,


And rise again;

With hope that she will, for me,

Save the day.


Forever is the word

And this moment, right here -

Is my forever.


What happens now?

It’s gravity -

that keeps pulling me down;

Don’t let go, there never was a plan B


Tuesday 4 May 2021


Pick up a quill!
And I mean not
To scratch surface
of a dull white wafer-thin notebook;
Not create clones
of rhyming emotion-play
Bluntly hammered
Into a comfort culture
Like soft word porn!

Light a fire!
What does make your eyes drip blood;
Sulk a little!
Go around, raging;
Nab and stab an autocratic idea in the chest.
Reignite faith!
Feel a pulse of the braver hearts
thumping out of their bosoms;
Caress the kindest ones
defending the good left in us;
Shed a tear for a stranger
With reasons beyond your own..

Do something!

Sunday 7 March 2021

Break Away

He’d been feeding off scraps 

Of disguised hate for so long -

Garnished by his own flavors of hope,

For this one, he put all his faith in -

That he lost feel of what was real;

Real love, care, real happiness.

Break away, he must;

To flee from the circle of antagonism

For in his reflection, he could see

Unmasked hate that mirrored all the love forgone

But let this be said, he breaks

Not for his story, though -

Not one of those tales where

Innocence is crushed,

And martyred for pompous self-interest;

But to keep alive the kind faith

And the hope –

That good begets good.

It will.

It will.