Sunday 28 November 2021

Everything Must Converge

Ever wondered,

If I chose this?

If this moment

Ever since birth of time,

This stubborn, immovable

Lump in its continuance

With every tick in the clock -

Has been pulling me,


To set me apart

And then set me free?

Two left turns,

two next rights -

Every sundown

On open streets

Eyes rolling in search

of a dream and hope

Year by year;

Burying the self 

In layers down the ground

And burning the fossil

To fuel the idea;

Being my own hard-hitting hero

For I were to live

A precedent that no one else would.

Everything must converge here.

The beginning of the end.

The design is compassed,

The arrangement done.

The disequilibrium

In animation of reality,

A long realm of nothingness; here,

Purpose has no place.

I realize now-

I've never had any real interest

In anything.

Is this the real life?

Never have I ever,

but I think I just might -

Let life that underwhelms,


Saturday 20 November 2021


A crude moment

Of self-confession,

A fixed star in my sky

With rapid implosions

And a bright flash of lightning -

Collapses and ruptures

From stardust into memories

All at once

Like infinite half-open matchboxes,

Surrounding me in the standstill.

I narrate my story

Trapped, in an unpassing moment-




One memory to the other.

I narrate this story

My yearning and her zeal,

From a little girl’s room

Witnessing the miracle of her life,

In her youthful passion..

I watch her rise,


And rise again;

With hope that she will, for me,

Save the day.


Forever is the word

And this moment, right here -

Is my forever.


What happens now?

It’s gravity -

that keeps pulling me down;

Don’t let go, there never was a plan B
