Thursday 13 January 2011


12th Jan, 2011. CAT results are out. And here I am going places, just to keep my mind off the disaster. Certainly  not the way I had pictured this day in my thoughts! Disappointment, is the name given to the feeling when certain events do not meet our expectations. Let alone what my parents' expectations, I myself feel alien to this world today. After all the build up due to my graduation disasters and my willingness to take up a challenge, I'm right where I started. Gaining experience and learning a lot, but it doesn't help in the immediate run.. nothing more than suggesting brilliant ONE-Liners to the lesser experienced! Disappointment forces me to think. And I choose to write whenever I'm thinking(Yes, that's how seldom I think :P)

Anyways, CAT is a competitive exam. The point is doing your best, which is supposed to be better than the rest.  The results are out, and they won't change. The hue and cry over the unfair results is what I've been reading about from last two days and I am vexed. It isn't fascinating me, the idea to rebel against the authorities. Especially since I heard this term: UNETHICAL! The results were available on the link on 3rd January and that was being spread like wild-fire! And if the result is infront of my eyes, I won't go back to the CATIIM website to check why the date had been pre-poned(this was my thought!).

I had complained to PROMETRIC(the agency conducting CAT) regarding the wrong questions, that were a part of my TEST and very much responsible for ruining it. In a time-based test, if I waste 25 minutes more than I've planned on a particular section, the balance is certain to be lost! Honestly, many people recognized the faulty questions and skipped them. But mine was a different story. I hadn't put in an effort to attempt the questions from topics that I didn't find convenient during preparations(especially with time-check). So, easy as those Quantitative aptitude problems looked, I got the solutions. But in those MCQs, this wasn't just it! I had to tick the correct option, but none of them matched my solutions. Trusting the might of CAT, it never occurred to me that the Qs could be wrong! It turns out they were. I solved them again... and again, but no solutions. Any other time, I would have not attempted them. But skipping those Qs wouldn't have landed me anywhere near the expected scores in that section.  So I don't regret this impromptu decision anyway. Sad that I ended up at 92%ile. Won't play the BLAME-GAME still...

And CAT 2009 was an example good enough. Yes, there was a retest, but concerned people know how much bigger the fiasco was! PILs, RTIs.. make it as complex as you can. Candidates are calling it injustice, or even a lucky draw!

Not that I believe in inaction. Or I feel helpless. Certainly not ideal they are, the results. The complaint I had made earlier, was the most I could do, before the result. But still, I have written to PROMETRIC, asking to give the details as to how the problem was taken care of; which the PROMETRIC CANDIDATE CARE had said they would(not individually, but collectively).

Because there is a 100%iler! There are hardcore CAT aspirants who are at 99.9x%ile, 99.8%ile etc. My point is, if someone has scored 300+ out of 450, it is very much possible. 'Luck' is infact something a winner has by his side, all the time! Any challenge in the world.. any competition, and luck has its role to play! If I am to win something, I would agree, it just isn't possible without the support of this magic-bird. A few thousand have attained more than 99%ile. Some of them would be sitting in top B-Schools in a few months' time! Thats where I wanted to be.. where they stand a chance to be, and I don't. Jealous, I am. But to my deepest core I know it is healthy and competitive in nature!

So I wont comment on whether I was more deserving than that XYZ or ABC.. but it certainly is worth giving another try! IIMs are always a hard chance, with the profile I have! When they are getting all the qualities that I possess with an excellent academic record, why would they prefer me? Well, I'll do my best given a chance in the interview! Also, CAT is what it is. Transparency is lacking but then, the odds of having it screwed were same for all of us. This is the thought that drives me, for now. Perhaps the question, why screw "anybody's test at all?" is the hot thing currently. But honestly I am running a marathon in my head! No more questioning the impossible. Acceptance, not of the injustice, but my failure.. again and again! I had the advantage of having all the time in the world. People who are working, had to put in all of their energy to make it! PROs and CONs are a part of every fight. Win or lose!

Well, as they say, Success is hollow, when it comes to learning from it, and Failure is the biggest teacher! Let me learn before the next 'big-one'. MICA stays the dream destination, and there is a different exam altogether. 20th February. Till then, no negative thoughts, no feeling pathetic about self, and no messing with the LUCK-thingy! Just the belief:


On a lighter note: IIPM is after my life! They found my phone number from obvious sources, and now I receive 4-5 texts everyday.. called twice! Also a bunch of other B-schools promising a laptop, a blackberry and even a Freshers' in Goa! ;-) An epitome was reached when a certain Blah-blaah Institute of Management sent me a text that read - Dear MBA Aspirant, "Stop dreaming, and be practical!"..... :D

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