In the humble rain;
Half-clad monsters
Guarding our sense of fairness -
The hate we can justify
And the guilt we sow, when we unnerve.
Our eyes seek balance
Off the folk tales sung to a five-year old.
And the fear of unknown.
बादामी रंग की मट-मैली शॉल ओढ़े हुए,
बरसों से उलटी करवट सोया ये रेगिस्तान
लाख आवाज़ दो, न कोई जवाब मिलता था
न खातिर, न मेहमान-नवाज़ी..
बूझ नहीं रहा था
इसे किस बात का मान-गुमान है?
इस hour-glass की सारी रेत रिस कर
हमारे पाँव तले बस गयी थी,
ढलती शाम को उसी वक़्त के ढर्रे पर बैठे -
अपने हाथों से नरम-गरम रेत कुरेद रहे थे,
और नज़रें अटकी थी आसमान में
टिम-टिमाते तारों पर;
तब महसूस हुआ - जैसा कहीं न था,
इस रेत के समंदर में
कुछ ऐसा इत्मीनान है!
In a quiet gathering
Of cold shoulders.
I muffled my voice
Into muted screams.
I sold my patience -
So long, bid goodbye
With nothing to lose
And nothing to win.
When I will be undone,
Lost and never found
Every word
Never heard
I shall hope -
And shatters the silence;
And if you be kind,
I'll be doing my best
I will come around.
I can grow numb
Empty and dumb
But I can
Drill a valley
Through the mountain;
On a brand new day
I can erect the trust-
Just guide me here
And it builds behind us.
If you are kind,
Don't let me wander
Maybe don't,
Don't give up on me.
I don't want the world to see me, coz I don't think that they'd understand.