Sunday, 8 May 2022

For Goodness

Just like everyone,
I have witnessed
My own demoniziation
In the humble rain;
Not willing to forgo
Never to forgive,
Failed by reason
Lost by conscience
But strong enough stand the skirmish
Adamant to prove a point,
My point.

For who we are, we cannot deny-
Half-clad monsters
Behind our mannerisms of 'good'
In a social theatre
That calls for the moral role-play
Guarding our sense of fairness -
Driven by the love we think we deserve,
The hate we can justify
And the guilt we sow, when we unnerve.
Our eyes seek balance
Off the folk tales sung to a five-year old.
Our innate faith - that balance is survival -
And the fear of unknown.

Goodness never kept sides
Mine or yours,
No balance, no validation
No points endorsed 
No tallies maintained
You do not need a reason
To be kind.

"They call it paradise, I don't know why"

रेत का समंदर

बादामी रंग की मट-मैली शॉल ओढ़े हुए,

बरसों से उलटी करवट सोया ये रेगिस्तान 

लाख आवाज़ दो, न कोई जवाब मिलता था

न खातिर, न मेहमान-नवाज़ी..

बूझ नहीं रहा था 

इसे किस बात का मान-गुमान है?


इस hour-glass की सारी रेत रिस कर

हमारे पाँव तले बस गयी थी,

ढलती शाम को उसी वक़्त के ढर्रे पर बैठे -

अपने हाथों से नरम-गरम रेत कुरेद रहे थे,

और नज़रें अटकी थी आसमान में

टिम-टिमाते तारों पर;

तब महसूस हुआ - जैसा कहीं न था,

इस रेत के समंदर में

कुछ ऐसा इत्मीनान है! 

Don't Give Up

In a quiet gathering

Of cold shoulders.

I muffled my voice

Into muted screams.


I sold my patience -

So long, bid goodbye

With nothing to lose

And nothing to win.

When I will be undone,

Lost and never found

Every word 

Never heard

I shall hope -


And shatters the silence;

And if you be kind,

I'll be doing my best

I will come around.

I can grow numb

Empty and dumb

But I can 

Drill a valley

Through the mountain;

On a brand new day

I can erect the trust-

Just guide me here

And it builds behind us.

If you are kind,

Don't let me wander

Maybe don't,

Don't give up on me.

I don't want the world to see me, coz I don't think that they'd understand.


कब से सब बिखरा पड़ा है यहाँ!
सारी गलतियों समेट कर अपनी
एक गट्ठर में लपेट लेते हैं;
रद्दी, पुराने अखबार के साथ निकाल देंगे sunday को
एक सही तो निकलेगा
चार पैसे का,
सुकून, हमारा
अब किसी का नहीं, न सही!