Thursday 7 March 2013


Still in the hangover of the Oscar morning last week, getting my 100% guesses incorrect this year, I never noticed destiny was waiting for me. No kidding, my drama teacher had an idea that human faces have more expressions than life has twists. Combining that with the only compliment I've ever received from a pretty lady at a party with all the dhik-chik music, much like the movies, a comment over my narcissistic singledom - I have too many expressions on my face. 

I know!

 What a golden opportunity to say, "But I was not farting!" :P If I had ever cracked that, either the joke or the expression-thingy, I've always wondered if I am the lazy-extreme who refuses to get off his ass to receive an Oscar and further deliver a world-transforming speech, ending with, "Kids, brush your teeth two days a week!" My sister, being a dentist would then give me a part of the business share. But then internet makes life easy. And inevitable that it was, I've already started collecting accolades to keep the world running. 

There's a LIEBSTER award, for outstanding contribution to study of deuterium isotope for advancement in nuclear power rescources. Or, simply because someone was kind enough to consider your blog worthy of it.  Thank YouI got both, you don't say. If you had a school friend like me who was eager enough to learn German, ahem, "Ich liebe sie" post-visiting an International Physics Olympiad, you'll know what Liebster stands for. Thank this affection of co-bloggers for a day or two we can think of ourselves as real-time writers. Hehe.

Anyway, here's the little deal. In order to provide an opportunity to show-off, and yet avoid excessive gloating by the oh-feel-my-thoughts narcissist bloggers, there is a set of questions devised by the nominator who finds you fit enough to run this marathon. Post 11 things about yourself. And 11 nominations for Liebster. That I don't read much blogs, makes that last part tough, hence I make it easy :P

And so here I am, with me :P

1. I always wanted to be an Army guy after watching Border. I switched my imaginative-career to being a Cricketer. Then Table Tennis came along. Sometimes a painter. Then a singer. In time I realized I could be the Prime Minister. Now, all I want is to be a kid again.

2. I went to an all-girls' some "Sneha Kala Kendra" during a summer vacation to learn painting & sketching. My sister and me. Sigh? Not yet. In time, I was learning to dance with a group of 15 odd girls. To kill some spare time spent otherwise waiting for the faculty. No sighs, wait for it! Soon I found myself dancing to Chhaiyya Chhaiyya in a very girly manner. The other song was Main Kudi Anjaani Ho! from some* movie, I guess. I almost killed myself :P

3. I found a 500 rupee note on the footpath once. I left it right there.

4. I found an iPod on the road, I kept it for a year. Pseudo-moralist, I call myself :-/ :D

5. A colleague of mine says I should stop cracking jokes on myself, especially the ones that depict me in lower self-esteem-shit. Sad that he'll never know what a genius I actually am.

6. I liked to sing in my own voice and scale everywhere till my voice was normal. Now I just do that in Bathrooms. I might dance sometimes, how'll you ever know? :D

7. Now I like to read myself out loud, in a crushy, heavy voice with philosophical pauses and pseudo-intellectual sighs.

8. I once jumped off the walls of my school in 6th standard, with a friend. We jumped back in immediately, everything outside felt scary.

9. I never read complete rules. Even when I do I struggle hard to follow. 11 is getting hard :-|

Well, enough not-so-much-about-me. On to the questions.

1. If you could keep just 5 songs in your iPod  which ones will you keep?

Never easy, this. I'd change that every few days. For now,

Strawberry Swing - Coldplay
Babe I'm Gonna Leave You - Led Zeppelin
Meethi Boliyan - Amit Trivedi
World Spins Madly On - The Weepies
Sorrow- Pink Floyd

2. If your house is on fire, what is that one thing you will save?


3. Cats or dogs?
None. To own up, I'm scared of all animals. And for some reason, there hasn't been a dog(pet) that hasn't barked it's heart out at me. And cats, they have nails! Plus, it's hard to understand there expressions/thoughts, and that unpredictability.. well, SHIT!
Although it would be a fight between puppies and kittens. And puppies it will be!

4. Mountains Or Seas? and why?
Mountains. And there isn't much any reason to that except "ever since I was a kid, I..."!

5. Do you believe in destiny? One instance you witnessed it if the answer is yes.

I believe in free will, so no.

There are two ways of thinking. The sun rises in the morning and sets in the evening. It is destined to, is one. I'd rather see it as earth's rotation. It is inevitable in either case. The concept that people possess about Destiny encourages ignorance and blocks the simple idea of free-will. What's worse, it deprives me of the greatest power to humankind, to make a decision for myself. Unless I am a mutant. Well, secrets.

A couple of events we can't intervene, celestial/natural phenomenon and another person's free-will. There, knowing the reasons won't impede the inevitability, but reasoning sure is more comforting than an explanation that goes "..meant to be". Bleh!

6. If it was declared no phone week, will you survive?

I'd probably be the one to declare it. A no phone world.

7. Whats your sun sign, and do you believe in it?

Don't know! Leo in a Kundali, Aquarius by the newspapers' birth-date thingy. A friend says some sun/moon difference. Leo just feels cooler. Plus, it supports my anti-emotional, over enthu'd, dramatic self. It goes against my introversion though. Believing? I believe 500 million people belonging to the same sun sign doing the same things mentioned in a 5-line horoscope on a daily basis - if true, doesn't make much of a difference. If not, I have a million jokes prepared for that ;-)

8. One moment you could erase from your memory.

I have had a happy kinda life! Nothing specific, I'd say. Memories induce emotional response. So any memory(unknowingly) that is behind provoking my anger..

9. If you were to sell yourself(not for prostitution ) as a commodity, what would you price yourself?

Beyond my imagination. Still, let's assume a post apocalypse era, with a few thousand survivors, thus making human life rare.. and thus, precious. If the lowest selling price would be 1 acre of land (some 0.4 square kilometers) of cultivable land(again, rare) and the highest bid would go upto 30 acres, I would land up somewhere at 8-10 acres, maybe :-/

10. Have you ever read any of my articles? If yes whats your favorite till date.

Quite a few, and the favorite would be Neophytes. Or Spiritual Awakening.

11. What will you like to be in your next life? And Why?

Next life is a dubious concept. IF true. But then again - Dog. Reason is no more than I don't want to be a human. Too many responsibilities and expectations. a shorter ife span. Better ears to enjo music. And then when I shout out loud - BIAATCH - no one would feel offended :P

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